Rice County Democrats
Gather to Cast Presidential Preference Ballot, Select Convention Delegates,
Debate Party Platform, Elect Precinct Leaders
Rice County Democrats will gather on Tuesday, February
7th for the Democratic Farmer Labor (DFL) Party’s biennial precinct caucuses which will be held
at three locations: Northfield
Middle School, Faribault Middle School and Forest Township’s Town Hall.
At the precinct caucuses, DFLers will cast a
Presidential preference ballot that will demonstrate their preference in the
upcoming election. Attendees will have the opportunity to run and vote for
delegates supporting specific candidates or issues to represent the precinct at
the upcoming Rice County DFL convention on Saturday, March 31. There will also
be an opportunity to introduce and debate resolutions for possible inclusion in
the Minnesota DFL Party’s action agenda/platform, and elect precinct leaders
for the next two years.
The caucuses will begin at 7:00 p.m. with registration
opening at 6:30 p.m. Presidential preference balloting will conclude at 8:00
p.m. sharp. Ballots may only be cast in person; no absentee balloting is
Anyone who will be eligible to vote in Minnesota by
November 6, 2012 may vote in the
Presidential preference ballot. Anyone age 16 or over may participate in
caucus business.
A list of all caucus locations statewide is available
at www.dfl.org. If you are unsure what
precinct you live in visit the precinct caucus finder on the Secretary of
State’s website: http://caucusfinder.sos.state.mn.us/
WHAT: Rice
County DFL Precinct Caucuses
WHEN: Tuesday,
February 7, 2010, 7:00 p.m. (registration begins at 6:30 p.m.)
Middle School
division Street South, Northfield, MN 55057
For precincts within
Northeastern Rice County that fall in Senate District 25:
Bridgewater, Northfield, and Wheeling
CITIES: Dundas,
Dennison (part), Nerstrand, Northfield (8 precincts)
Forest Township Town Hall
3625 Millersburg Blvd., Faribault (Millersburg), MN
For precincts within
Northwestern Rice County that fall in Senate District 25:
Wheatland, Webster, Erin, Forest, Shieldsville,
CITY: Lonsdale
Middle School
– 17th Street SW, Faribault, MN 55021
For precincts within
Rice County that fall in Senate District 26:
City, Wells, Morristown, Warsaw, Walcott, and Richland
CITIES: Morristown,
and Faribault (6 precincts)
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