Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Inside the Beltway" to Feature Dan Powers

Carleton College's radio program "Inside the Beltway" with Erik Anderson and Dan Antoszyk to feature Dan Powers - DFL Endorsed 2nd Congressional District Candidate on May 5th's show.

Show Time:
Tuning In:       88.1 FM (in the Northfield area) - You can also listen online: http://www.krlx.org/dj_blogs/2117/

If you have a particular issue(s)/questions you'd like to see addressed, contact Erik at antoszyd@carleton.edu

St. Olaf College Democrats Celebrate "Blue Week"

The St. Olaf College Democrats kicked off Blue week with an hour long event featuring State Senator Kevin Dahle of Northfield. Pictured above is State Senator Dahle listening to a question by the St. Olaf College Democrat's Chair Jason Teiken. Many issues were discussed from the budget deficit to the tone in the legislature.

Blue Week continues with the following events:

Dinner Discussion with Dan Powers - DFL endorsed candidate for Congress
The discussion will focus on Green Jobs and an update on Dan's Campaign.

When:    Wednesday, April 28th
                6:00 - 7:00 pm
Where:    St. Olaf Campus
                 Buntrock Commons
                 Room # 143

Discussion with State Representative David Bly
The discussion will focus on Healthcare and the Middle Class Amendment

When:    Thursday, April 29th
                6:00 - 7:00 pm
Where:   St. Olaf Campus (Northfield)
                Buntrock Commons
                Room #142

These events are open to the public.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy 40th Anniversary Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day everyone!

I thought I'd provide some useful links dealing with Earth Day and Environmental Concerns. Please share with your friends!

The Earth Day Action Network:

The Arbor Day Foundation:

Need information on recycling electronics - check out the EPA's site:

40 tips to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day:

Find a recycling center near you at Earth 911:

Earth Day is a worldwide event - so here's an interesting blog from the UK:

Sierra Club's website:

Join the Earth Day Action Network on Facebook:

Know any other blogs or websites dedicated to the environment?
Please share by posting a comment with the link.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

State Senator Dahle & Representative Bly Host a Town Hall

This past Monday - State Senator Kevin Dahle and State Representative David Bly held a Townhall meeting at the Northfield Public Library. Roughly thirty individuals attended the meeting. A broad range of topics were discussed from health care to the budget deficit.

We would like to thank Senator Dahle and Representative Bly for listening to their constituents.

State Rep. Bly listens to constituent's concerns. (above)

State Senator Dahle listens to constituent's concerns. (above)
State Rep. Bly answers a constituent's question. (above)

State Senator Dahle shares a lighter moment with a constituent.

Photos:  (c) 2010 Senate District 25 DFL. All rights reserved. You may not use the photos in this post without written consent of the Senate District 25 DFL. Use of these photos without consent is violation of the U.S. Copyright laws.